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How to restore speech after stroke


Whichever stroke, haemorrhagic or ischemic, was not the cause of speech disorders, the patient will require effort to restore lost function.

Outset that no effort of the patient to restore speech, nor the money spent on professional speech therapy, will not bring results, if not to take into account the following circumstances:

  • The severity of the disease;
  • The need for systematic drug therapy.

Some sources indicate that measures to restore speech after a stroke should begin almost from the first week of the disease. This approach is fundamentally wrong. In the first 7 days are considered the acute phase of a stroke, the question of the recovery of speech is not worth it, is merely the outcome of the disease.

Mortality from stroke is very high and reaches a little less than 40% of all cases. So the first week is a real struggle with illness. But to restore speech to a patient after discharge from the hospital, in conjunction with other rehabilitation measures.

The concept and varieties of aphasia

Complete absence or violation of speech is the concept of aphasia. The following types of aphasia after ischemic stroke.

  1. Total. It is missing altogether. Often the complete absence of language functions combined with impaired recognition of loved ones, understanding of surrounding events.
  2. Sensory (Wernicke aphasia). A disorder in which the patient cannot understand speech of others. Perceive native language as a foreign language.
  3. Motor. The patient understands what he is told, reacts in response. It represented separate sounds.
  4. Amnestic. The patient cannot name the surrounding objects. From personal vocabulary it is difficult to select the appropriate word.
  5. Semantic. The patient does not understand complex sentences, comparisons, synonyms. When referring to such a person, use simple sentences.

With this type of aphasia have a specific person, the individual program of rehabilitation to restore speech.

Speech therapy at home

To start speech therapy better at home. The familiar environment helps the patient to relax and focus on the implementation of speech therapy exercises, not dissipating attention to foreign objects. It is important that relatives helped the patient is not told about his illness, did not discuss among themselves the difficulties of communication with him. It is necessary to support the patient, along with him to enjoyeven minor successes.


Begins a speech therapist with a diagnosis of speech disorders in a particular patient. In order to develop an individual training program at home, you should establish the degree and form of impaired speech, test the patient's response to a weak speech stimuli - a quiet conversation, whispers, etc.

The first session should not cause problems for the patient. Should offer enough light to perform vocal exercises that the patient understand that they are within his power.

Gradually, the complexity of exercises to restore speech should be simple. Not be required to say specific names of the objects, the lesson needs to force him to dialogue. If an ischemic stroke patient knew and loved to sing, this skill can be used successfully. Singing helps to quickly restore it. For music lessons, you should pick the songs, the words of which the patient knew well.

You can use drawing skills, various cards with pictures of objects. The technique of using visual images is successfully used in people with sensory aphasia. The speech therapist shows the card, offering the patient to change them, and then call the images on her items.

The lesson in the early period of recovery after ischemic stroke should be between 7 to 15 minutes. Subsequently, the duration of sessions gradually adjusted to half an hour.

To do more than 30 minutes makes no sense, patients with ischemic stroke, quickly get tired. Excessive zeal in performing the exercises capable of destroying the progress made.

Help a speech therapist?

Often family members seek to accelerate the result cause the patient to perform speech therapy exercises outside of class. So, it is worth doing only for the purpose of a speech therapist. Usually relatives are not recommended to be present during classes - it distracts the patient.

After an ischemic stroke people become very vulnerable, quickly irritated, can be whiny. To perform vocal exercises and so they is quite difficult, it is important not to hurry and not get sick.

But really to help the speech therapist relatives can, carefully carrying out his recommendations. Relatives should monitor the timely reception of medicines, to organize the mode of the patient after an ischemic stroke. For example, watching TV should not exceed 2 hours is tiring the patient.

You must go with the patient on walks,to follow food. Therapy of folk remedies helps speed the recovery process.

Used for the treatment of post-stroke medical decoctions of the following components:

  • Pine or fir cones;
  • Viburnum;
  • Juniper;
  • Thyme;
  • Sage.

In addition monocomponent use and complex drug charges. For the treatment folk remedies medicinal teas are prepared the following compounds:

  1. Plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort.
  2. Walnuts, eyebright, wild strawberry.
  3. Calendula, agrimony, wild rose.

On the recommendations of national medical, recovery of speech is most conducive tea from sage. Brew it in the usual way, and offer the patient throughout the day in small portions - 4-5 SIPS to 5 times a day.

In the quest to help people after a stroke should be remembered that only General and concerted action of physicians, speech therapists, relatives and the patient himself will bring the desired success. So don't rush things, treat the patient with patience and love. Only you'll make it.

Also, you might want to know what diet for stroke must be observed.