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Food for atherosclerosis


Atherosclerosis is a consequence of the accumulation of fatty deposits in the walls of the aorta and arteries. So there is the risk of coronary artery disease, lower extremity vascular and brain, leading to heart attack, stroke. Atherosclerosis progresses slowly, it gives patients the time to adjust status, changing food habits and lifestyle.

A healthy diet atherosclerosis heart-healthy. There are products that can help to acquire healthy levels of cholesterol and fat molecules - lipids. Bad for the heart low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are useful high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

The purpose of the diet in atherosclerosis of the brain is the control of weight and blood pressure.

Doctors give patients with atherosclerosis of lower extremities, brain, aorta such recommendations:

предупреждение атеросклероза
  • to maintain a healthy weight through a balance of physical activity and caloric intake;
  • a healthy diet in atherosclerosis of vascular of lower extremities combined with Smoking cessation, weight control and exercise;
  • training should last from one to one and a half hours, it's good for the blood vascular of the brain;
  • the diet should include fruits and vegetables, particularly useful for vascular brightly-colored - carrots, spinach, peaches, berries;
  • whole grains, vegetables, legumes are rich in dietary fiber; a good whole - grain options such as oatmeal, bulgur, millet, brown rice, buckwheat;
  • at least twice a week should include in your diet oily fish - salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid;
  • desirable to produce 5-10% of the daily calories from foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids - sunflower, linseed and corn oil, nuts;
  • to limit the intake of saturated fats, which contain products of animal origin, aorta and blood vascular of the brain and the harmful TRANS fats contained in fast food products and pre-baking;
  • the user should choose lean meats and soy analogues, dairy products with low fat content; the meat and fish should be baked or broiled on the grill, the food is better insufficient salting or eat completely without salt; processed foods are usually sold salted; reducing the amount of salt normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart failure and other diseases;
  • to reduce the consumption of sugary foods; alcohol can be consumed in moderation for men is 2 servings a daywomen - 1 serving;
  • if you are already diagnosed with heart disease, aorta and brain vascular, should be included in food supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids; if a high blood triglycerides level, you should increase the dose acids, vitamins and antioxidants C, E, beta-carotene, supplementation with folic acid for the prevention of unpleasant symptoms of the heart and blood vascular.
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Recommendations for children and pregnant women:

  • during pregnancy to avoid a large amount of fatty sea fish (mackerel, tuna) and shellfish, which can contain high amounts of mercury;
  • the accumulation of plaque in the arteries begins in childhood, so children important healthy food; this will help prevent heart disease, aorta and vascular of lower extremities; children should eat lean meats, fruits, whole grains and vegetables, beans and dairy products.

Oils and fats

Oils and fats are important for the functioning of the brain and the entire body. They help to maintain a normal level of blood lipids. Very important to the quality of fat: sources of fatty acids are "good" fats that promote heart health and blood vascular of the brain. Saturated and TRANS fats are bad, should be avoided. A quarter of total daily calorie intake should get the "good" fats. Products offered by first choice are olive oil, linseed oil, nuts, avocados, fish, shellfish.

The second choice products containing omega-6 polyunsaturated acids: corn, sunflower oil. Linoleic acid, found in them has anti-inflammatory action. A sufficient intake of fatty acids omega-6 helps to reduce the pressure, reduces the risk of diabetes.

Saturated fats contained in products of animal origin, cocoa butter and palm should not be more than 7% of the daily diet.

All fats are high in calories when compared with protein and carbohydrates. To calculate the optimal amount of dietary fat per day, you need to multiply the fat in grams by 9 (calories per gram).

A sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids contain two servings of fish a week. Another full source dietary supplements. Patients with heart disease, atherosclerosis of the aorta, after consulting a doctor, with the success of the diet includes fish oil.

Carbohydrates, fiber and sugar

Recommendation for atherosclerosis is 50-60% of daily calories obtained from carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates and fiber contained in vegetables and whole grainsproducts. They are preferably starch, the source of which are the pasta, potatoes and pastries made with white flour. Fiber is an important component of nutrition, it contain only plants. Fiber is not absorbed by the body, but performs its task. To protect the heart and blood vascular atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, the recommended dose is 25 grams for women and 37 for men.

Different types of fibers have their advantages:

  • insoluble - found in nuts, seeds, whole grains, seeds, bran, legumes and fruit; regular consumption of whole grains reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes; almonds, macadamia nuts protect the heart and the aortic wall in atherosclerosis, regardless of fiber content;
  • contain soluble fiber oat bran, apples, citrus, potatoes, they reduce blood pressure, help to achieve healthy cholesterol levels.

Simple carbohydrates (sugar) should be less than one-tenth of the daily nutrient standards.


The protein contained in dairy, meat and some plant foods, it is considered to be the key to strong bones and strong muscles. Doctors recommend to obtain a tenth of the daily calories from meat, fish, milk, legumes, soybeans.

Cholesterol contains in egg yolks, shellfish, dairy fats, red meat. Their number of doctors suggest to cut. For those who have heart disease, blood vascular of the lower extremities, per day is recommended to eat no more than 200 mg of cholesterol.

Source of complete protein in atherosclerosis is fish such as mackerel, salmon, trout, sardines. Equivalent portions of fish are three fish oil capsules.

Soy contains fiber and all the main types of protein. Its full sources - tofu, soy beans and milk from them.

Meat and poultry: to protect the heart, recommended lean. Saturated fats - the main source of risk for atherosclerosis.

From dairy products recommended are those that contain the least amount of fat.

Vitamins, antioxidants

The value of vitamins C and E lies in the fact that they are antioxidants. These chemicals are able to absorb free radicals - oxidation products. This protects the whole body, including the circulatory system.


A diet rich in potassium, reduces blood pressure. Rich in these micronutrients bananas, pears, oranges, prunes, melons, tomatoes, peas, nuts, avocado. After the consultation with the doctor can take potassium supplements in atherosclerosis of the aorta and lower extremities.

Calcium regulates the tone of smooth muscles, which is the inside of blood vascular. Regular consumption of calciumnormalizes blood pressure.


The Mediterranean diet, when diagnosed with atherosclerosis of the heart and lower extremities are rich in nutrients and fiber. They contain olive oil, tomatoes, seafood, parsley, garlic. Wanting to adapt it, limit the consumption of meat, prefer low-fat dairy products. Such a diet for atherosclerosis reduces risk of heart attack, lowers cholesterol. People combine a Mediterranean diet and a healthy lifestyle, live more and longer.

DASH diet (anti-hypertension) helps lower blood pressure, to avoid the risk of a stroke. This diet for atherosclerosis useful for those that are rich in nutrients and fiber, but provides a reduction of weight, improvement of the lower limbs and the whole body.


  • the reduction of salt consumption;
  • daily consumption of nuts or legumes;
  • reduction of saturated fats;
  • limit carbohydrates to 55% of caloric intake.

The guidelines should be improved nutrition and physical activity, the diet for atherosclerosis will help to gradually reduce the volume of the stomach is full and patients will easily lose 15% of the weight. To keep the achieved, you must set realistic goals, and from all types of physical activity - choose the most pleasant.

Also the site has useful material about how to conduct prevention of atherosclerosis, suggest as read.