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How is the sclerotherapy of leg veins


Today there are various methods for the treatment of vascular diseases. Most often affects the blood vascular of the legs. One of the most effective, but gentle treatment methods - sclerotherapy.

What is a sclerotherapy

A procedure called sclerotherapy is non-operational, but can cure various vascular diseases, diseases of the lymphatic system, and tumors in the blood vascular.

The essence of the procedure in the introduction of special drugs directly into the vessel in need of treatment. The walls of the vessel stick together, get blocked and the blood flow through it stops. The remnants of the drug absorbed in the body.

Most often this technique is applied when treating varices of the lower extremities. It is used in violation of the functioning of the large veins and smaller vascular. In the initial stages of development of this problem, you only sclerotherapy. When the disease is in a more ruinous state, requires a comprehensive treatment.

Although sclerotherapy is considered a modern and quite young treatment method the first attempt of such procedures were made in the XVII century. Then the blockage of blood vascular was carried out using acid. Later used substances such as perchloro, iodine, tannin.

процедура склеротеропии

However, experiments have not yielded the desired result and was almost forgotten until the middle of last century. The invention of drugs tetradecanamide, or Fibro-veyn allowed to return to the method of hardening of the blood vascular.

Today it is used in the support of ultrasound and other technological tools. This gives you the ability to accurately enter medication.

How is the procedure

The steps in the procedure

  • Puncture of the vessel,
  • The introduction of sclerosing drug,
  • The application of a compression bandage.

The puncture is performed with a very fine needle to avoid bleeding. The puncture is performed in the affected area of the vessel. To check the accuracy of the introduction of sclerosing drug produced control ultrasound Venevision or transillumination. The dosage is determined individually by a specialist-flebologia. It depends on the size of the affected vessel and how it is.

There are two options for use of drugs: in liquid form or in the form of foam (foam form). In the second case, there are several advantages that make the "foam form" is more effective.

The advantages of foam sclerotherapy form

  • A large area of contact with the walls of the vascular,
  • Bestabsorbency,
  • High speed action.

In addition, in the modern clinics use cryosclerotherapy. The manipulation is accompanied by cooling of the zone of action of the drug. The likelihood of hematoma and spasm of blood vascular in this form of sclerotherapy is much lower.

До и после склеротеропии

After the drug is introduced and monitoring equipment has allowed to verify its action on the puncture site impose special compression bandage. In sclerotherapy of veins of the lower extremities is mandatory.

The bandage stays on for 1-2 days. After the overlay requires exercise, which is also mandatory.

Immediately after the sclerotherapy is assigned to walk for at least 40 minutes. This is necessary for the full completion of the manipulation, normal resorption of the remnants of the drug.

What are the advantages of the method

The main advantage of sclerotherapy is the lack of trauma, and thus minimum the consequences for the organism. This procedure, unlike surgery, does not remove parts of vascular, that is, preserves the integrity of circulatory and lymphatic systems. Sclerotherapy connects the walls of blood vascular, and they stick together and sealed.

This method can be applied for many forms of varicose veins of the lower extremities, even if the veins are thin or twisted, when a large number of damaged vascular. Also sclerotherapy effective thrombophlebitis and periflebit.

This treatment technique is well combined with other techniques such as laser removal of large veins in advanced cases or for follow-up care sections of smaller vascular.

Since the introduction of sclerotherapy a medicine is performed using thin needles, no scars on the site of the procedure remains. So, the body there is no need to expend energy on healing and rehabilitation process takes place fairly quickly, and the result is forever.

Advantages of the technique

  • The ability to perform procedures on an outpatient basis,
  • Nerevmaticski,
  • The possibility of applying different levels of problems,
  • The possibility of combination with other treatments,
  • Rapid rehabilitation,
  • Lasting results
  • No marks on the skin,
  • Low percentage of complications and negative effects.

Possible contraindications

As with any intervention, sclerotherapy of the lower limbs there are contraindications. Some of them must know the patient. This applies to such diseases,as diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney or liver disease, a tendency to allergic reactions, heart disease. In the presence of these problems it is necessary to report about them considering, as they can hinder the procedure.

During the examination you may find that the patient has obstruction of the deep veins and connecting. It can also be a contraindication to sclerotherapy, because it is impossible after sealing sections of veins provide the normal venous blood flow on another channel.


  • Diseases of the kidney, liver,
  • Heart problems,
  • Diabetes,
  • Obstruction of the deep veins,
  • Other diseases of blood vascular,
  • Allergic reactions.

In case of impossibility of application of sclerotherapy can be assigned to other methods of treatment, like surgery to remove and reconstruct part of Vienna, medical treatment.

A contraindication to performing sclerotherapy is pregnancy. In this period of life women generally should not perform any manipulation, because it can have a negative impact on the future child.

Complications and adverse effects

Sclerotherapy is a non-invasive intervention, however, in this procedure, the body is introduced sclerosing drug that it needs to be disposed of. Therefore, some negative impact is still possible. In addition, the reaction may occur at the injection site. The area of skin where the injection is made to administer the drug, may pigmentosa, and this effect remains sometimes for 2-3 years.

At the injection sclerosant may be due to drug reaction to develop inflammation or an allergic reaction. When there is inflammation, the formation of the seals that can stay for a few months. This is especially the case when handling large veins.

To eliminate this consequence, have some time to wear a compression garment. Allergic reactions could be avoided, if you carefully collect medical history. You may find that the patient has previously been Allergy, then this should be considered when deciding on sclerotherapy, on the choice of the drug and anaesthesia, as well as their dosage.

Another negative consequence can occur when performing manipulation on large veins. In this case, it is possible to recover the clearance some time after the procedure, requiring the continuous supervision of a physician in the processrecovery.