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What is lamares brain


Lachares is not an independent disease, but one of the main diagnostic signs of a number of pathological changes in subcortical structures of the brain.

Can be a symptom of atrophic lesions of the Central nervous system, etc. origin:

  • Binswanger's disease or subcortical atherosclerotic encephalopathy;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • vascular dementia;
  • hypertension.

Morphological changes of the brain in leukoaraiosis expressed as:

  • destruction of the structure of white matter, caused by destruction of the myelin sheath of neurons (demyelination);
  • the occurrence of incomplete areas of necrosis without a clearly defined boundary;
  • swelling of brain tissue;
  • the increase in extracellular spaces.

With the expansion of the affected areas basic brain functions are reduced.

Depending on the localization of structural changes there are two types of pathology:

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Incision of the brain.

  • periventricular lamares;
  • the subcortical lachares.

Periventricular type involves localization of foci of atrophy of the white matter in the form of a band surrounding the lateral ventricles of the brain, or in the form of "domes" located above the ventricles.

When subcortical leukoaraiosis the foci of atrophy are localized in the deep parts of the brain, including semiovale center.

Stage of development

Depending on the extent of injury there are three stages of pathology development. When leukoaraiosis 1 clinical manifestations of the disease correspond to the symptoms of many diseases, including and not associated with the Central nervous system, which greatly complicates diagnosis.

These include:

  • Fatigue;
  • Violation of the sleep mode;
  • Migraine;
  • Ringing in the ears.

When leukoaraiosis 1 degree in patients may be also a mild lack of coordination of movements: decrease step length and walking speed.

The transition in the 2 degree of development of the pathology and clinical manifestations of leukoaraiosis become more pronounced. To the above characteristics added to a sharp deterioration in memory and concentration, disturbances of motor function are more vivid (chaotic motion).

On a psychological level pathology can be expressed in inexplicable changes in emotional background, until the depression. Amid all the listed signs of social and professional skills of the patient are greatly reduced, although they can still keep workingactivity.

Third-degree leukoaraiosis is characterized by a considerable extension of the affected areas of the brain, resulting in the deepening of all clinical signs of the disease. Such patients can no longer lead a normal life, needing constant supervision and support of relatives.

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There is a strong disorder of coordination of movements, until the loss of equilibrium of the blue, random urination, strong inhibition of psychomotor functions, etc.

The main risk when leukoaraiosis are people older than 50 years.

According to statistics, the density of white matter diagnosed in every second elderly person (according to some sources, this figure can reach 95 cases out of 100.

But leukoaraiosis may suffer and young people.

The risk to get this disease is significantly increased in the simultaneous presence of all or several of the above factors:

  • The abuse of alcohol;
  • Nicotine addiction;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • An unbalanced diet;
  • Obesity;
  • High blood pressure.

Diagnosis of leukoaraiosis

Before the advent of diagnostic instruments, providing visualization of areas of reduced density of white matter, leukoaraiosis as a separate phenomenon, no one spoke. Now the pathological changes in subcortical structures successfully determined on MRI, which can detect lachares in the first stage and productive to delay the onset of the second.


The most effective method of determining leukoaraiosis is magnetic resonance imaging in the mode of T2-Wi (balanced image).

Pockets of leukoaraiosis in the brain can occur, and CT (computed tomography), but the effectiveness of this method in the diagnosis of pathology of the first stage is much lower.

Additionally, to confirm the diagnosis can be assigned to angiography (x-ray of the blood vascular of the brain), clinical studies of blood and urine.

Second and third degree leukoaraiosis can be grounds for disability.

Treatment and prevention

Surgical treatment of leukoaraiosis does not exist, the treatment involves the prescribing of drugs of different spectrum.

This primarily vasoactive drugs with vasodilating and antioxidant properties. They have a stimulating effect on nerve endings in the brain, which leads to a gradual reduction of the lesions.

In the treatment ofleukoaraiosis assign different groups of drugs:

  • Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (aminophylline, pentoxifylline, etc.);
  • Adrenoretseptorov blockers and calcium channels (nicergoline);
  • Stimulants of metabolism (various derivative pirazolona).

For prevention of heart attacks to patients with leukoaraiosis prescribe drugs from the group of antiplatelet agents. During the course of complex treatment of medications can be adjusted depending on the results of therapy.

No treatment is fraught with the progression of the disease that almost always leads to strokes. The consequences of them can be a complete dependence of the patient from therapeutic interventions (nutrition through the probe, the installation of the catheter in the urethra, etc.).

Lachares is not a disease that can heal on its own, so the sooner action will be taken for treatment, the higher the chances of the patient's return to normal life.

Preventive measures include regular inspection of vascular of the brain in the elderly. Other measures to prevent pathology include correction of nutrition, avoiding alcohol and Smoking, lead an active lifestyle.

According to some experts, to reduce the risk of liquefaction of the white matter with regular use is able of biologically active products (dietary Supplements) certain groups, but confident about the effectiveness of a drug is impossible due to the lack of statistical data.