Seal of the aorta: diagnosis pathology and treatment
The aorta, the largest blood artery in the human body, supplying blood to almost all internal organs (lungs are the only exception). Seal of the aorta is an extremely dangerous phenomenon that can cause a variety of serious diseases, greatly complicating the person's life, and in some cases can result in death.
The anatomical structure of a healthy body provides for certain indicators of thickness and density of its walls, which normally should be the stability of their characteristics all over this vessel.
The fault of a number of pathological changes in the normal condition of the vascular walls can be broken, causing the formation of fibrous growths and plaque.
On the causes of pathology
The sealing wall of the aorta may occur due to:
- Hypertension. In humans suffering from this disease, blood vascular carrying a load because the blood in them flows at a very high pressure. As the largest blood vessel, aorta daily undergoes tremendous stress. Holding its walls eventually lose their elasticity. Their inner surface is overgrown by fibrous structures that increase the thickness and density of the walls. The result is compacted, the aorta becomes more rigid.
- Natural aging characteristic of persons older than 55 years. As a rule, the majority of representatives of this age group there is a significant decrease in elasticity of blood vascular.
- Atherosclerosis — a disease accompanied by the formation of the plaque causing the narrowing of blood vascular and leads to uneven compaction of the aortic walls.
- Ever transferred a venereal disease.
- Diseases of infectious and noninfectious etiologies (scarlet fever, sepsis, brucellosis, rheumatism).
- Addiction to Smoking.
- Food products, characterized by excess cholesterol.
- The abuse of alcoholic beverages.
- Hereditary predisposition. It is this reason provokes the seal of the aortic root of the heart muscle in children. In clinical practice there are cases when pathology began at the child, then was suspended for a few tens of years to become active with the onset of the aging process.
Features symptoms
Symptoms of the seals of the aorta do not appear immediately: for a long time the illness has no external symptoms. The problems begin with the moment when pathologyprovokes a significant narrowing of the lumen of blood vascular that deliver blood to the internal organs.
Peculiarities of a clinical picture determined by which portion of the aorta involved in the pathological process:
- Sealing of the aortic root is fraught with severe stenokardicheskie seizures and the occurrence of myocardial infarction.
- An insufficient supply of blood to the brain vascular is a consequence of poor blood supply to feed their carotid arteries associated with thoracic aortic compacted. This provokes the appearance of neurological symptoms, which is manifested headache, frequent dizziness, irritability, accelerated fatigue and the whole complex of symptoms indicating cerebral activity.
- Seal the aorta of the heart usually only occurs in the elderly, although in recent years, cases of lesions of young patients who abuse tobacco. The elasticity of the vascular walls in this case is lost under the influence of harmful tar and nicotine contained in tobacco products.
- If the aorta is sealed in the region of the ventral division, that feed blood vascular of the lower limbs, a characteristic manifestation of this destruction is the patient forced of lameness. And often he's limping only on one leg. Due to the unbearable cramps and pain when walking he has to stop frequently and wait for them to cease. If the perpetrator of such a state is not aorta, and seal veins in the leg symptoms is not so severe: the pain, though present, but the lameness does not develop.
- Seal the walls of the abdominal portion of the aorta can cause a number of pathological processes of varying severity. The main manifestations of inflammation are: nagging pain in the abdomen and chest, a significant reduction in body mass, various malfunctions of the digestive system. In complex cases the patient may develop rapidly progressive peritonitis.
Likely consequences
Seal of the aorta — a disease that can lead to several dangerous complications:
- Arterial hypertension accompanied by extremely high pressure can cause a gradual separation of the walls of the main blood vessel. Another reason that could cause this condition, is high physical load.
- The impact of these same factors can lead to the development of an aortic aneurysm, which is manifested in the stretching and bulging of its walls. In the absence of timely medical aid progressionthe aneurysm may result in rupture of the artery, which in most cases ends in death.
The only method of treating these effects is surgery. If abnormal compaction of the aorta becomes the cause of the peritonitis in this case also required an emergency surgery.
Why seals?
In contrast to aortic insufficiency, is a disease, pathology of the valves of the aortic valve detected at ultrasonography, is not the slightest danger to the life of the patient.
Usually this is due to the age of the patient. Since for long years of continuous work, the body (including heart valves) a person belonging to the older age group, are inevitably wears out, doctors consider it the norm.
Seal the flaps of the mitral valve can occur due to malformations in the development of forming connective tissues. The consequence of this pathological phenomenon may be a stenosis (narrowing) or violation of the obturator function of the damaged valve.
Methods of diagnosis
The prolonged absence of clinical manifestations is the reason that the detection of the disease is sometimes a complete surprise to the patient.
What aortic arch are sealed, can show fluorogram, so the annual passage of x-rays has important preventive value.
X-ray picture showing changed the structure of the blood vessel with calzinirovnie plots, can confirm the beginning of the development of atherosclerosis.
The emergence of disturbing symptoms is an indication for more thorough medical examination.
Given the fact that the pathological changes can refer both to separate sections of the artery (most often it is the walls of the descending part of, the condensed aortic root, the leaves of the aortic valve), and the entire vessel during diagnostic tests performed:
- Ultrasound of the blood vascular;
- contrast angiography.
The treatment seals the aorta should be done only under the supervision of an experienced specialist.
- The disease is identified at an early stage, requires constant monitoring. If the disease is not progressing, an effective therapeutic method for the patient may be a radical change in his lifestyle: the transition to a healthy diet and elimination of harmful habits. Extremely useful are physical exercises and long walks in the fresh air. An important factor contributing to recovery is the fencethe patient from all sorts of stress and anxiety. All of these actions have both therapeutic and prophylactic value. A good complement to the above measures could be the medication prescribed by the attending physician.
- The progression of the disease is an indication for surgical intervention. With significant damage to the valves of the heart resort to their prosthetics or plastic. If the disease has led to a significant destruction of the structures of the heart muscle, you may need to transplant a donor organ.
- Curing seal aortic folk remedies only with the consent of a healthcare specialist. The most popular methods of alternative medicine include the practice of vegetarianism or raw food diet, application of herbal medicine, acupuncture massage and treatment natural juices. When you enable folk remedies in the General scheme of treatment is very important to take into account existing contraindications and the high probability of allergic reactions to components of the used drugs.