Home / Diseases associated with vascular dysfunction of the heart / Dangerous rheumatic heart disease: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Dangerous rheumatic heart disease: causes, symptoms, treatment methods


Rheumatic heart disease is positioned as a serious manifestation of rheumatic fever. The classic form of the disease is a complete defeat of the heart wall that captures the endocardium and pericardium.

Removing the inflammatory processes is possible only with early diagnosis and treatment. Otherwise not to avoid changes in the structure of the vessel walls and further development of a negative process.

The pathogenesis of the disease

Rheumatic heart disease the heart is often manifested due to the ingress of streptococcal infection on the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. Infection without proper treatment occurs quickly. Approximately seventy percent of surveyed patients show increased activity of streptococcal bacteria that are the causative agents of rheumatic heart disease.

Infection has a gradual toxic effect on the heart wall, which leads to increased risk of mortality. The disease still remain unexplored, but it is the development of inflammatory processes in the body, according to many scientists, is the impetus for his extra development.

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But when you return the form of rheumatic heart disease heart the presence of streptococci does not always confirmed. In some cases, the cause of relapse there are other, poorly understood virus.

Genetic predisposition in adults and children creates the preconditions for the emergence of the threat of rheumatic heart disease.

Doctors distinguish the following causes of appearance and further development of the inflammatory process of the heart wall:

  • Pneumonia;
  • Sore throat;
  • Scarlet fever;
  • Other infectious phenomena.
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Rheumatic heart disease in children and individuals adolescence is recurrent in nature. Often children's primary rheumatic carditis is considered to be a natural consequence of rheumatism of the joints.

The disease can also carry the reflexive character, and lead to the development of severe and dangerous myocarditis. This disease usually leads to dire consequences.

The frequency of attacks on heart patients and adult patients is different. Their duration also varies depending on the individual physique of each person.

Symptoms of pathology

Often diagnose the disease is possible only in the process of examination in the diagnostic center. If the patient develops lesions of the endocardium, for several months, he may not feel any symptoms of the disease, including unpleasant feelings. Therefore, for the diagnosis andneed immediate inspection.

Systolic and diastolic murmurs can be detected only by a qualified technician with vast experience in cardiology.

Symptoms of rheumatic heart disease with active inflammatory process manifested an unpleasant pain in the region of the heart and disturbances in cardiac rhythms, which can be seen by a medical specialist.

When endomyocarditis there is a strong cardiac dyspnea, there is often a dry, mild cough, which gradually increases.

Symptoms of the active stage of rheumatic heart disease include:

  • Pulmonary edema;
  • The attacks of cardiac asthma, which is repeated more and more often;
  • The febrile phenomena;
  • Acute cardiac pain.

It is not necessary to run such a dangerous occurrence and to bring the progressive disease to fever, seizures and severe asthma.

The advice of an experienced and qualified cardiac specialist to find out what was the cause of the disease, and how best to treat to achieve positive results.

How to get rid of severe pathology

Don't count on a quick treatment of rheumatic heart disease in children and adults. You will need a long rehabilitation period, maintaining bed rest, and a certain routine.

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For starters appointed special therapy affecting the human nervous system.

Special day mode needs to be installed for evenness, as nervous during treatment is strictly prohibited. The slightest breakdown can lead to relapse.

Inpatient treatment is prescribed to the patients who were diagnosed with primary rheumatic heart disease.

After the observation doctors will need rehabilitation in one of the resorts. Important role in maturity the major symptoms of the disease plays medical therapy.

Medical professionals usually prescribe the following medications:

  • Aspirin and Aspirin;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Brufen;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid.

Daily dose of medication can be calculated by a qualified health care professional after conducting diagnostic tests.

If long-time treatment of rheumatic heart disease absent positive dynamic changes, doctors often prescribe the use of drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids.


Prednisone is the primary tool that belongs to the specified category. It can prescribeto accelerate positive dynamics. But the drug has many side effects, so its long-term use is not provided.

Hormone pulse therapy is an alternative method of getting rid of the disease, which often insist experts. But such treatment is not a classic treatment option and may not be used.

With the development of acute heart defect running in the background of rheumatic heart disease, specialists prescribe surgery as the other ways are unsuccessful.

Vulvoplasty will help to relieve the patients from the critical course of the disease and the negative, life-threatening consequences.

It often happens that the rheumatic heart disease enters the chronic phase and is stagnant. Then it is recommended to apply pharmacological agents type of diuretic for example Lasix.

Without proper timely treatment of the disease it will progress and can lead to congestive heart failure.