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Causes right ventricular hypertrophy


Right ventricular hypertrophy (BPH) is a serious pathology, characterized by increasing size and weight of the right ventricle that occurs as a result of changes in the number of kardiomiotsitov (muscle cells of the heart).

In the normal state cardiomiocity make up a quarter of the total number of heart cells hypertrophy, their number increases. This pathology occurs as the syndrome developed on the background of other diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • aortic valve stenosis (congenital or acquired);
  • tetralogy of Fallot (the most commonly diagnosed form of heart disease in newborns);
  • pulmonary arterial hypertension;
  • defects in the structure of the interventricular septa.

The catalysts of kardiomiotsitov, which leads to progression of disease can be different bronchopulmonary diseases:

  • fibrosis;
  • emphysema;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumoconiosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • pneumonia.

There are causes of right ventricular hypertrophy not associated with cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases:

  • abnormal weight gain (obesity);
  • systematic and prolonged stress turns into anxiety.

Another factor that triggers the development of right ventricular hypertrophy, can become excessive aerobic exercise.

гипертрофия сердца

Depending on the ratio of size and weight right and the left ventricles there are three forms of flow of prostatic hyperplasia syndrome: mild, medium and sharp (sharp).

In the moderate form of prostatic hyperplasia the size of the right ventricle slightly prevails in size over the left, their weight is almost identical.

With an average form of prostatic hyperplasia note the excess size and weight of both ventricles, with a pronounced shape difference in these parameters is significant.

The lack of therapeutic interventions in the acute form of the flow pravozashchitnoj hypertrophy may lead to death of the patient.

Syndrome prostatic hyperplasia is classified according to type of occurrence:

  • physiological (innate) when right ventricular hypertrophy a child is diagnosed with the first days of life. Pathology is manifested as a consequence of CHD (congenital heart defects) and is often diagnosed immediately after birth on the vast cyanosis (bluish hue to the skin) of the face or the entire body.
  • pathological (acquired) syndrome increase the right ventricle occurs as a result of suffering respiratory ailmentsor physical overload.

Symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia

In the acquired form of this syndrome is characterized by the absence of specific symptoms, which can determine exactly pravosudova hypertrophy.

гипертрофия сердца

Signs of right ventricular hypertrophy are similar to symptoms of many other ailments and at the initial stage of pathology development is not practically manifest themselves, starting to really disturb the patient only when a significant increase in the size and mass of the myocardium of the right ventricle.

Such characteristics include:

  • prolonged pain in the right sternum sharp, pricking character;
  • shortness of breath;
  • dizziness, accompanied by loss of orientation in space and fainting (in some cases);
  • violation of the rhythm of the heart;
  • swelling of the lower limbs, which becomes more pronounced towards the end of the day.

The main clinical signs of prostatic hyperplasia include increased heart rate (tachycardia) and sudden drop in blood pressure.

Diagnostic methods

When prostatic hyperplasia pathological changes are recorded not only in the myocardium. Over time, they are characterized by the proliferation of pulmonary artery and vascular that causes the development of other ailments:

  • sclerosis of the aorta;
  • hypertension of small circle of blood circulation;
  • syndrome Eisenmenger (excess pressure in the pulmonary artery over the aortic).

Timely diagnosis of HRV allows not only to prevent the development of these pathologies, but also greatly facilitate the struggle with the syndrome as a whole. Confirm or deny the presence of prevotellaceae hypertrophy can only propose hypersound or ultras due to cardiac research:

  • electrocardiography;
  • echocardiography (ultrasound study of the structure of the heart muscle).

The electrocardiogram as a diagnostic method of prostatic hyperplasia of less than significant. Right ventricular hypertrophy on ECG is expressed only in the change of teeth ECG that may reflect only the fact of change of size of the ventricle, the severity of the pathology thus can not be determined.

Syndrome of HRV in electrocardiography "illuminates" only in moderate and severe forms of the flow.

Much greater diagnostic value of echocardiogram.


This research method allows to determine not only the presence of increasing pravozashchitnoj region, but also its exact dimensions, and to diagnose structural defects of the heart tissues.

Echocardiography as a diagnostic method of prostatic hyperplasia are often combined with Doppler ultrasound that can furtherto investigate the direction and speed of blood flow.

This method of research allows to determine pravosudova hypertrophy even in the moderate form of flow, making it possible to prevent the progression of growth kardiomiotsitov in the heart muscle.

Treatment and prevention of disease

The goal of treatment of hypertrophy of the right ventricle is to stabilize the size of the affected Department and prevent the growth of cardiomycytes in the future. The main methods of treatment is surgical intervention and drug therapy.

Operative intervention involves resection of the enlarged vascular and the installation of a special prosthesis in place of damaged heart valves.

Drug treatment of BPH is to eliminate the symptoms of the pathology due to the intake of medicines of different pharmacological groups:

  • anticoagulants;
  • diuretics;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • the normalizers of blood pressure;
  • beta - blockers.

To preserve the positive effect, some of the designated funds should be taken throughout life. Comprehensive therapy for pravozashchitnoj hypertrophy also includes a complete rejection of bad habits, correct day regimen and nutrition.

Prevention of prostatic hyperplasia in the first place is the regular and timely diagnosis of the condition of the heart muscle. This is especially true of patients from risk groups which include people with congenital abnormalities of the cardiovascular system and those who have recently suffered various bronchopulmonary diseases, and athletes interested in heart rate training.