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The symptoms and treatment of venous congestion


Physical inactivity - the scourge of our civilization. We move a little, zakuporivavshih in his comfort zone, and reap the corresponding fruit - digestive and respiratory disorders, cardiovascular problems, obesity. Physical inactivity is the main cause of venous congestion, which will be discussed in this article.

Venous stasis - what is it?

Venous stasis is a pathological process, manifested in the difficult outflow of venous blood with normal blood flow. Stagnation triggered by the low elasticity of vascular walls and increased blood viscosity. Initially lost tone, and then difficult the bloodstream. Extensive congestion of the veins determines the localization of the pathology.

Medicine known as follows.:

  • legs (the pelvis);
  • light;
  • the brain;
  • kidneys;
  • neck (osteochondrosis).


Functioning of blood vascular depend on the heart rate - they give the blood a boost. Stimulation and normal pressure provide a reduction in calf and abdominal muscles, the impact on the arch of the foot and the sole.


There is a second important factor is breathing. The veins are arranged so that the valves of the inner walls push the blood only in the direction of the heart.

If skeletal muscles are not involved fully, "muscular pump" is bad, not coping with his task.

Where pathology is observed more often?

Pathology occurs primarily in areas of the highest concentration of veins. Consider the example of the stagnation that affected the system of the pulmonary circulation.

The reasons for its occurrence can be several:

  • left ventricular failure (this occurs after coronary arterial sclerosis, bullet wounds, heart attacks);
  • aortal defect (hardening of the venous valves);
  • mitral (occurs when sclerosis, rheumatism of the heart).

With the defeat of a large circle of blood circulation the lungs can be affected by diffuse sclerotic changes. The disease can manifest in the form of edema of the abdominal and pleural cavity, liver, pericardium and hipermercado.

The brain

Venous stasis in the head is secondary in nature, it is a consequence vneocherednoy or intracranial pathology.

Methods of diagnosis of the disease are as follows:

  • skull x-ray;
  • venography;
  • pressure measurement (made in the cubital vein).
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Stagnation of blood in the pelvis relates to a passive hyperemia and is considered very common. For women, the disease is especially dangerous during pregnancy because it can cause miscarriage, infertility, birth of premature babies.

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment help to build a good prognosis.

Provoking factors of the disease are usually:

  • the use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • etnichnosti vascular (genetic predisposition);
  • the condition of pregnancy;
  • excessive psychological and physical stress, systemic;
  • postpartum complications.


In venous stasis of the lower extremities may occur deformation of the vascular - it reflects the acute form of the disease. The reduction of blood flow velocity entails a diagnosis of "venous insufficiency".

The symptoms of pathology are:

  • the severity and tension of the calf muscles (increases in the evening);
  • lividity of the skin;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • plasmorrhea (impregnation plasma surrounding tissues);
  • punctate hemorrhages (observed in areas of concentration of small blood vascular).

Treatment of venous congestion provides for the normalization of blood circulation and the elimination of vascular tone. Applied and folk medications, surgical intervention was practised only in the most severe cases.

To ease the disease we recommend the following:

  • therapeutic walking;
  • douche to legs;
  • elevated position of the lower extremities;
  • gels and ointments with the content of heparin (Gearoid, Gepatrombin, Heparin-Sodium Braun, Leciva);
  • diuretics (good for swelling);
  • tincture mountain chestnut (rubbed into the affected area);
  • compression stockings (can be replaced with elastic bandages);
  • medications - angioprotectors and venotonic (Venoruton, Venitan, Detralex).

A feeling of heaviness can manifest itself not only in venous stasis of the legs - this symptom inherent to patients suffering from obesity and ordinary people, spending a lot of time on my feet. So do not try to diagnose the pathology on your own - consult your doctor.


Restricted blood flow in the vascular supplying the lungs can lead to swelling of the latter. Condensed lung tissue, gradually acquiring a brownish tint. this color is due to the accumulation of hemosiderin, andthe whole process was called "light seal brown".

The consequences of stagnation in the pulmonary circulation and the occurrence of multiple sclerosis.

The symptoms of lung disease are:

  • the low mobility of the diaphragm;
  • hard breathing;
  • systematic shortness of breath;
  • trudnootdelema sticky mucus with blood streaks;
  • wheezing (observed at the rear lower region of the lungs);
  • mitral/aortic heart defects;
  • pasty legs;
  • the roundness of the liver, increase its size, tenderness;

How to cure pulmonary venous congestion?

Practice the following methods:

  1. Surgical intervention (valve replacement, valvulotomy).
  2. Therapy aimed at normalizing heart failure.
  3. The assignment of a disability group - with persistent pulmonary plethora.


Chronic venous stasis in the kidneys leads to the increase in the size of this body, its cantionale and seal. Blood circulation is disturbed (changes affect a large circle), there is a spasm of the renal arterioles, glomerular filtration becomes limited. The kidneys are worse excretory water with sodium, and in the surrounding tissue fluid increases the amount of plasma that degrades tissue metabolism and blood circulation in General.

The expansion of the renal veins and congestive anemia lead to edema of stroma and the development of lymphedema. Balls full and slightly enlarged, intercellular spaces enlarged.

Pathology can cause a number of complications:

  • the formation of stones;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • General inflammation;
  • the increase in blood pressure.

Infectious complications need to be prevented, and pain to reduce. Why doctors prescribe painkillers and antibacterial agents. To restore normal blood flow, will need surgery.

The methods are as follows:

  • percutaneous nephrostomy;
  • catheterization of the bladder;
  • open surgery;
  • endoscopy.

Cervical degenerative disc disease and venous stasis

Venous stagnation may develop on the background of cervical degenerative disc disease.

In General, the causes of pathology are the following:

  • fracture;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • the transferred strokes.
  • internal hematoma;
  • the formation of tumors (cervical);
  • blockage of veins;
  • injuries to the thorax and abdomen;
  • strangulation lesion.
  • prolapse of a vertebral disk;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

Back problems always cause a large-scale systemviolation - operation of many agencies is questionable. Protrusion invariably leads to disruption of blood flow and subsequent venous congestion.

Cervical osteochondrosis provokes compression of nervous structures and blood vascular - most often affects the vertebral artery, which runs in the spinal canal. Hernia cervical segment leads to membrane damage and subsequent edema. Thereafter, the venous stasis, the apotheosis of all - inflammation of the spine.

Compression of the vertebral artery has a very unpleasant consequence of the slowing of blood flow to the brain stem and cerebellum. If you do not timely treatment of degenerative disc disease, the case may end in chronic spinal ischemia and stroke.

Recommendation finally: with any form of venous stasis should immediately consult a doctor and start treatment depending on localization of the pathology. Also consider your diet and get rid of bad habits.

We also recommend you to read about how there is venous insufficiency of the lower extremities.