The causes and methods of treatment of trophic ulcers
Trophic ulcers - a disease which is not separate, but appears on the background of complications of other problems. Because the process of his treatment, contrary to what you may hear, may not be quick and simple, because the effect must be directly on a number of processes in the body.
Compounding the situation is the fact that there are several different subtypes of this disease. However, it is necessary to go in order.
What is it?
Trophic ulcer is called a defect of skin or mucous membranes, which occurs when the superficial tissues are destroyed. Encourage the destruction can be a blood disorder, contact with purulent infection and so on. After this pathology in the blood vascular begins to develop, the problem occurs again and again, and its treatment becomes difficult.
There are many different reasons due to which the formation of sores. Usually provoke disease any disease processes that somehow affect the circulation as well as the damage on the spot where an ulcer will continue to actively develop. Of the many reasons that can cause the appearance of such ulcers, it is possible to highlight:
- Complications of venous diseases, e.g. varicose or thrombophlebitis is the most common cause of ulcers.
- Burns and hypothermia.
- Complications from diabetes are the most complex manifestation of the disease.
- Autoimmune disease of the connective tissue.
- Injuries to nerve trunks.
- Diseases of lymph vascular - lymphedema acute and chronic type.
- Violation of metabolism.
Sores don't occur just out of nowhere. There are certain symptoms which precede them.
Here are some of them:
- swelling;
- pain in the legs;
- heaviness in the lower leg;
- itching, burning of the skin;
- the roughness of the skin;
- visual change of the skin - it is stretched, it becomes more glossy, it appears purple spots.
These symptoms are indicative, but to have an accurate diagnosis, you must undergo a series of laboratory studies that will help clarify the problem and choose the most optimal methods for their treatment. The main methods of diagnostic are:
- urine;
- blood test;
- blood from the wound;
- immunological studies.
Additional diagnostic methods are:
- angiography of vascular with the use of a contrast agent;
- Ultrasoundvascular.
In combination, these diagnostic methods are able to give a fairly complete picture of the human condition, which is suspected of trophic ulcers.
There are several different types of this disease, each of which has its own distinct features.
- Arterial ulcer, she also atherosclerotic. They are usually caused by hypothermia of the feet. An ulcer of this type is not beyond the midsole, and also outer side of the foot, heel and big toe. Sores are small, semicircular, inside them - purulent contents. Most often suffer from this problem of the elderly. Leg is constantly cold at night it hurts. If not promptly begin treatment, the sores are spread across the foot.
- Of venous ulcer. To meet this subtype of the disease is easiest on the lower leg - on the inside and the bottom. Often this problem is a type of complications of varicose veins. Before the emergence of ulcers of this type the person gets swollen calf part, there is a feeling of heaviness, night cramping, and skin of the lower leg noticeable buzzing. Visually on the tibia you can see the mesh of veins, which gradually merge into purple spots. If time does not start treatment, then ulcers will develop can be various complications, such as purulent subcutaneous venous thrombosis or erysipelas.
- Diabetic ulcer. As can be concluded from the title, is one of the complications of diabetes. The problem appears with loss of sensation of the lower extremities. The ulcer usually is on the big toe. Her wound is especially deep. The main danger of the subspecies sores is that it responds very well to various infections, which can lead to gangrene and even amputation of the feet in the most severe cases.
- Neurotrophic ulcer. A similar problem arises in the result of trauma to the spine or head. When it affects the lateral surface of the heel, or the part of the sole where the heel hill. Photo of the ulcer is a deep crater, it smells bad, its depth may contain pus. Sensitivity next to the ulcer largely lost.
- Hypertensive ulcer. An extremely rare subtype of the disease. It occurs at a continually high blood pressure. Because of this pressure occurs hyalinosis of the walls of small vascular, their spasm, which persists long enough. The characteristic peculiarity of these ulcers is their symmetry - they occur on both legs, usually on the externalsurface. These lesions develop very slowly, accompanied by severe pain. There is a very high probability of bacterial infection.
- Pyogenic ulcer. Appears to cause immunosuppression. Usually the reason become purulent eczema, boils, follicles, and so on. Usually suffer from the problem of people who do not observe rules of hygiene. Form oval ulcers, the depth is small. May be present as a single ulcer of this type, and a bunch of them.
The treatment of trophic ulcers is a complex process, because it is necessary to select the treatment that will be most effective in a particular case. There are several approaches that can be applied. The first is surgical, which is based on removing the source of inflammation.
There are several different surgical techniques:
- Vacuum therapy, which allows you to quickly remove the pus and reduce swelling and also to create a moist wound environment that will strongly interfere with the bacteria to develop.
- Katerinice - suitable for ulcers that do not heal for a very long time.
- Percutaneous flashing - suitable for the treatment of hypertensive ulcers. The separation of venous-arterial fistula.
- Virtual amputation. Cut off the metatarsal bone and the metatarsophalangeal joint, but anatomical integrity of the foot is not broken but removed foci of bone infection that can effectively deal with neurotrophic ulcer.
Another approach is medication that must accompany the surgery.
Used such drugs as:
- intravenous antiplatelet agents;
- broad-spectrum antibiotics use;
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- anti-allergic medicines.
Set of medication can vary depending on what sort of problems developed in the patient. Must also be constant cleansing the wound with solutions of various antiseptics to remove bacteria and dead skin epithelium.
Also can be effective physical therapy for example, treatment with ozone and nitrogen, which can increase the growth of connective tissue, ultraviolet irradiation, which increases the body's resistance to infections of various kinds and other methods of hardware effects on the body.
At each stage of treatment will certainly apply an elastic compression. Typically, this bandage of several layers of elastic bandages, which are changed from time to time. You can usespecial medical stockings. Thanks to compression, stimulates work limfodrenazhnogo system, improves blood circulation, and decreasing swelling.
In especially problematic cases, when the wound is very large and does not heal, you may need a skin graft from the buttocks or even thighs. When the transplanted skin survives, it gradually helps to recover the epithelium at the edges of the ulcer.
Traditional medicine
Although it is recommended not to neglect the treatment to the doctor, to reduce the manifestation of the disease with the help of traditional medicine.
Rinse the wound can with the help of juices of cabbage and potatoes, these juices are perfect for compresses on the wound. You can also use infusion of leaves of a lilac or strawberry, but it is effective only in the early stages. Compresses with oak bark will help to dry the wound.
To avoid inflammation, you must apply a powder of willow bark. Another option is bread from rye flour and honey. It is important to remember that applying them should not open wound, and around it.
For wound healing you can chop an onion to pulp, then add dried calendula flowers and willow bark powder. Then pour the mixed ingredients with boiling water, and the next day when it's all infused properly, add a couple tablespoons of honey.
You can also apply therapeutic measures freshly made cheese. You first need to press the cottage cheese and the resulting whey to clean the wound. Then she laid a soft piece of cheese, and over it is superimposed a compress.
Ointment for the treatment
For the treatment of this disease can also apply various ointments, both natural and acquired in the pharmacy. Effectively heal wounds and have anti-inflammatory effect of the ointment of Arnica, comfrey and geranium room.
Often also apply ointment Vishnevskogo. From ointments that you can buy in a drugstore highlight, toxicol, levomekol and streptolysin and a number of analogues.