Home / Diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular diseases / The therapeutic action of horse chestnut for varicose veins

The therapeutic action of horse chestnut for varicose veins


In the Bank of mother nature has remedies against almost any ailment. Varicose veins is no exception.

Phytoncides (biologically active components contained in the fruit spread on the whole territory of Russia horse chestnut) are characterized by the following properties:

  • strengthen capillary walls, reducing their permeability and preventing breakage;
  • stimulate venous circulation;
  • accelerate the synthesis of antithrombin 3 — substances that prevent the formation of blood clots.

Horse chestnut contains the following volatile, exerting a therapeutic effect on varicose veins:

  • Esculin — derived glucose, of natural origin. Contained in the peel of the fruit of the horse chestnut. Main function - stimulates production of antithrombin 3.
  • Praxin is another glycoside present in the fruit peel. As esculin, prevents thrombus formation through effects on the synthesis of antithrombin.
  • Escin — a substance that belongs to the group of saponins. Contained in the peel and pulp of the fruit. Enhances the diffusion of proteins and other macromolecules through cell membranes, thereby stimulating blood flow and strengthening the walls of blood vascular.

Fresh leaves of the tree are rich in substances from the group of flavonoids: quercetin, rutin, astragalin, isoquercitin. They have a strengthening effect on capillary walls and preventing them from "wear and tear" and are natural antitrombogenny.

Conventional medicine is supportive of the use of horse chestnut against varicose veins. On the basis of extracts from fruits and leaves extract of this plant established drugs such as Naphazoline drops, gel Venitan, etc.

In herbal medicine for the treatment of varicose veins are most commonly used tinctures, ointments and poultices from different parts of the plant. The most popular fruit, but leaves, bark and blossoms are also used in folk medicine.

Attention: the internal use of tinctures protivovirusnyh on the basis of horse chestnut has some limitations.

The fact that the volatile contained in them, decrease blood coagulation. Therefore, patients with the following diagnoses should receive infusions and decoctions with caution only after consultation with your doctor:

  • chronic hypotension;
  • gastrointestinal pathology (gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc.) in the chronic form;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • atony of the intestine.

Also the use of tinctures is not recommended for pregnant women, mothers in breastfeeding period and also failuresof the menstrual cycle.

Features procurement of raw materials

The distribution of the horse chestnut is quite wide — the plant grows in the temperate zones, is not particularly capricious in terms of moisture content and trace elements in soils.

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The trees are adapted to growing in harsh urban environments (with the exception of too polluted areas), so long to look for sources of raw materials for the treatment of varicose veins is not necessary.

But for the manufacture of tinctures for internal use will only fit the fruit, leaves and bark collected from trees growing in relatively clean areas. Trees that grow from the roadway or in the industrial zone — not the best sources of medicinal raw materials.

The perfect time for harvesting all of the components except the fruit - end of may-beginning of June. During this period, the bark and leaves of plants observed maximum concentration of volatile.

The fruits should be collected after their aging when they obtain a distinct round shape and a characteristic light brown color. The period of fruit ripening — late August-early September.

An important stage of preparation is drying

It must be carried out in conditions similar to natural — in a sufficiently lit room with normal humidity. Dry the chestnuts on the roof, in direct sunlight the skin, which contains significant portion of nutrients, shrink and pougnet.

Tinctures of the fruits and inflorescences

Reviews indicate that the greatest efficiency with varicose veins differ in alcohol tinctures on the basis of horse chestnut. They are prepared from the fruits and inflorescence of the plant.

To prepare tinctures is better to use the alcohol strength of 45 degrees (measured by the alcoholometer). The desired concentration can be achieved by dilution of rubbing alcohol to the desired concentration. Use store-bought vodka or homemade moonshine to prepare tinctures is also acceptable, but the alcohol extract in this case may be less concentrated.


For making alcohol tinctures on inflorescences, pour 100 g of dried flowers of horse chestnut 1 liter of alcohol and infuse for 2 weeks. Store the tincture should be in a cool dark place, avoiding direct sunlight.

Medicine should three times a day before the meal 1 tsp (20-25 ml). The duration of treatment — 30 days, with severe forms of varicose veins it is doubled.

Alcohol tincture of horse chestnut for varicose veins based on fruits prepared as follows: cut skinchestnuts and crushed into pieces the size of 3-5 mm. per 100 g. chopped peel pour 1 liter of alcohol and insist 14 days. Then otzivite tincture through cheesecloth and poured into a clean vessel. Make the tool should be three times a day for 25-30 drops within 45 days.

Tincture is very bitter, so it is possible to dissolve it in a small amount of water.

Tincture on the skin of the chestnut is also called the tincture Peceneaga. It can be used for both internal and for external use in the form of compresses (tincture mixed in equal proportions with boiling water, put on gauze and applied to the swelling veins for at least 2 hours).

The juice of horse chestnut

In the course of phytotherapy in the treatment of varicose veins juice is used horse chestnut, and it is not squeezed from the fruit and inflorescences of plants. Most effective is valid for freshly squeezed juice, so the treatment is advantageously carried out in the spring, during flowering chestnut.

For juicing the flowers should be crushed and put under the press. Daily dosage is 30 drops of juice (can be divided into 2-3 doses). As the juice itself is very bitter, it can be diluted in boiling water to drink.

Because fresh juice is highly perishable, it remains possible to preserve, diluting vodka in the ratio 1:2. Dosage of the alcoholic tincture in juice - 2 tablespoons a day.

Ointment from the fruit of the chestnut

In addition to alcohol compresses, an effective external remedy for varicose veins is a ointment from the fruit and blossoms of horse chestnut. For effectiveness it can give a handicap to the well-advertised gels based on the chestnut, and to prepare such the ointment is a snap.

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5 chestnut fruits (with peel) you need to grind and grind in a meat grinder with 5 "candles" inflorescences of the plant.

To the resulting mass is necessary to add 0.5 liters of vegetable oil (if you dislike the smell of sunflower oil you can use olive). Insist 10 days, then precipatate in a water bath.

The resulting ointment is applied to the region of swelling 2 times a day.

Oil ointment excellent relieves inflammation and swelling and beneficial effect on the skin as a whole. But homemade ointment is one drawback to storing no more than 14 days, after which the useful properties evaporate.

Therefore, immediately after rubbing it is necessary to prepare a second portion of ointment, to the time of expiry she managed to stand.