How to cure and prevent the vascular sclerosis of the brain
Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which blood vascular are destroyed and reborn, losing elasticity, their lumen becomes narrow and covered with fibrous plaques.
Multiple sclerosis belongs to systemic diseases as it affects all the vascular of the body. But depending on which blood vascular undergo pathological changes, there are several varieties of the disease. In recent years, special widespread sclerosis of brain vascular, being among the main causes leading to the emergence of the disability and increase the level of morbidity and mortality.
Most prone to sclerosis of cerebral vascular people older than 50 years. But sometimes the symptoms can be detected in the 20-30 years of age. In men, multiple sclerosis is diagnosed in 5-7 times more often than women.
The causes of pathology
The most common cause of development of multiple sclerosis becomes atherosclerotic process, leading to the formation of plaque and blood clots, narrowing of the arteries and poor circulation.
This condition causes the brain cells receive insufficient nutrients and oxygen, which impairs their functioning and causes scarring and cysts. In some cases, fibrous plaques completely clog blood vascular, depriving tissue of nutrition and causing their necrosis, or becoming a cause of stroke.
The formation of atherosclerotic plaques may occur as a result of:
- hereditary predisposition;
- of lipid metabolism;
- hormonal failure;
- a sedentary lifestyle;
- emotional and physical stress;
- high pressure;
- of diabetes;
- the presence of obesity;
- the emergence of endocrine diseases;
- frequent stress;
- improper diet (excessive consumption of fat and cholesterol);
- Smoking;
- alcohol abuse;
- age-related changes.
Clinical manifestations of the disease
In the initial stages the symptoms of multiple sclerosis is poorly visible, and they often do not pay attention. Therefore, to treat the disease often begin when the pathological changes are significantly influenced by the condition of the brain that weakens the effectiveness of therapy.
Depending on symptoms there are 3 stages of multiple sclerosis
The first stage accompany non-specific signs:
- occasional headaches;
- light dizziness;
- weakening of attention and memory;
- lowering efficiency;
- drowsiness or insomnia;
- quick fatigue and sluggishness;
- depression and apathy;
- the moodiness and fault-finding;
- excessive excitability and irritability;
- a sharp change of emotional state;
- noise in the ears (one or two);
- "flies" before eyes;
- fainting.
Headaches get worse in stressful situations, during mental and physical stress. The symptoms of multiple sclerosis may develop gradually over several years.
In the second stage changes the human psyche and manifest such signs as:
- the lack of activity;
- the decrease of ability to work;
- loss of professional skills;
- difficulty performing usual work;
- loss of coordination of movements;
- violation of articulation and language skills;
- the decline of intellectual abilities;
- the weakening of concentration and focus;
- the inability to understand the meaning of reading:
- loss of short term memory: patient forgets what happened yesterday but remembers, including details, that was many years ago.
On the occurrence of the third stage is evidenced by the typical symptoms:
- significant weakening of memory: the person can't remember the names and birthdays of loved ones and other significant dates and events;
- professional unsuitability.
Often sclerosis of the vascular of the brain leads to dementia, heart attacks and strokes.
How to diagnose multiple sclerosis
If a person has symptoms indicating a possible development of multiple sclerosis, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.
The doctor will examine the patient and send it to:
- a neurosonography is an ultrasound examination of brain vascular;
- two-dimensional and transcranial duplex scanning - ultrasound of the blood flow inside the skull;
- angiography of the brain - x-ray examination of blood vascular with contrast agent;
- magnetic resonance angiography - examination of blood vascular using electromagnetic waves or magnetic fields;
- General and biochemical blood analysis;
- the General analysis of urine.
To the treatment of multiple sclerosis was successful, it must address 2 main objectives:
- to prevent further formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
- education bypassing paths for blood flow.
To cope with the above tasks, it is first necessary to concentrate all forces on the treatment of concomitant diseases (especially hypertension and diabetes) and diet.
Eating right with multiple sclerosis
People suffering from multiple sclerosis, you need to:
- abandon smoked, fat meat, liver, kidney, eggs, chocolate, sorrel;
- limit consumption of salt, bread and pasta;
- to increase the content of plant foods, dairy products, cereals, fish and seafood.
Especially useful for lowering cholesterol and cleansing the blood vascular of the brain green tea, lemon and grape juice, parsley, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, green peas, carrots, garlic, onion, Rowan, rosehips, apples, pomegranates, walnuts, sprouted grains, oatmeal, seaweed, vegetable oil.
Fasting is recommended to drink a glass of hot water or juice obtained from raw potatoes.
Important in the fight against multiple sclerosis has a full-fledged rest and sleep, avoidance of worries and fatigue, as well as therapy of traditional methods.
In any case be self-medicate in order not to worsen the situation. In each case, the attending physician selects medications individually, given the age of the patient, stage of the disease, symptoms, presence of concomitant diseases.
Treat with medication
Medical treatment for multiple sclerosis includes the use of:
- anticoagulants - reduce blood viscosity and prevent thrombus formation;
- satinov - reduce the rate of formation of cholesterol;
- lipid-lowering drugs normalize the level of lipids in the blood;
- drugs that expand blood vascular, improves blood circulation and nutrition of brain cells;
- drugs, lowering blood pressure and the concentration of sugar in the blood;
- medicines that restore the liver;
- nootropic drugs - stimulate brain activity, improve memory, attention and learning ability;
- neuroprotective agents improve the survival of nerve cells under conditions of oxygen starvation;
- immunostimulatory drugs;
- vitamin-mineral complexes.
The benefits of physiotherapy
Effective action in the fight against multiple sclerosis will provide a range of physiotherapy, which must be individualized for each patient, in accordance with its capabilities, and physiotherapy: massage, balneotherapy, magnetotherapy.
Physiotherapy relieves pain, normalizesblood pressure, improves cerebral blood circulation, activates the metabolism, relieves insomnia, improves mood.
When surgery is needed?
If the patient is sealed in a vessel for more than 70%, it is directed on consultation to the vascular surgeon. The physician examines the patient and makes a decision on necessity of surgical intervention.
Surgical treatment is directed on removal of fibrous plaques and blood clots.
During the operation used:
- endarterectomy - the wall of the affected artery is cut and the clot removed;
- stenting is introduced in the vessel a stent that expands a lumen.
The help of medicine
Will effectively complement conventional therapy treatment of folk remedies. It will help to ease the symptoms of the disease and improve the General condition of the patient.
The most popular use of the following medicinal compositions:
- the juice extracted from the leaves and roots of dandelion, and the diluted rice water (drink it 15-20 minutes before eating 4 times a day 50 ml);
- thyme and mint mixed in equal amounts, the resulting mixture (20 grams) brewed with boiling water (500 ml) and leave for 40 minutes to infuse, take 2-3 times a week for 60 ml;
- onion rubbed on a grater and squeeze the juice out of it (250 milliliters) are combined in equal proportions with honey and drink an hour before meals for 20 ml three times a day;
- honey (1 liter) mixed with lemon juice extracted from two lemons, crushed garlic (one head), healing mixture (20 g) diluted with cold water (250 ml) and drink on an empty stomach for two months;
- the bark of mountain ash (200 grams) brewed with boiling water (500 milliliters), and for two hours kept on a slow fire decoction is taken in 60 ml before food 3 times a day.
But to start treatment of folk remedies only after consulting your doctor.
Hence, only a comprehensive treatment that combines physical activity, mental work, diet, physical therapy, medications and medicinal herbal teas, will help to achieve success in the fight against the insidious disease.
To prevent sclerosis of blood vascular of the brain will help:
- balanced diet;
- avoiding harmful habits;
- active lifestyle;
- maintaining normal blood pressure;
- prevention of stressful situations, physical and mental fatigue;
- quality sleep and proper rest;
- regular memory training (learning foreign languages, memorizing poems).