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Treatment and causes of telangiectasia


Telangiectasia is persistent, continuing for a long time the expansion of surface vascular, which is also known under the name "spider veins". You can appear almost any part of the body, but are most widespread telangiectasia on the face (most often or on the wings of the nose or on the cheeks).

Telangiectasias can have a different color depending on which specific vascular affected, for example, venous form stars in dark blue, and capillary blood - red.

According to relevant statistics, approximately a quarter to a third of people under the age of forty-five suffer from this disease. And often rosacea is common among women. The older a person is, the more likely that it will have this problem - for example, telangiectasias seen in seventy percent of people older than seventy years.

But not safe from her no - data asterisk and mesh of blood vascular may occur even in children at a very young age.


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There is a common misconception that the key cause of this disease is cardiovascular disease, but it is usually not so. The most common causes in this situation is a hormonal disorder.

But also there are a number of factors which appear telangiectasia.

To them, inter alia, include:

  • systemic or cutaneous mastocytosis;
  • radiation dermatitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • pigmentosum pigment type;
  • affecting arterioles and arteries Raynaud's disease;
  • chronic skin disease like rosacea;
  • diseases in which ataxia is manifested;
  • exposure to carcinogens/sunlight for quite a long period of time;
  • use of corticosteroids;
  • the presence of a pronounced hormonal imbalance;
  • a predisposition at the genetic level.

If a person from birth is strong enough and elastic vascular wall, it is likely this pathology it is not manifest. But various factors can increase the likelihood of its occurrence even in healthy people.

These include:

Лечение телеангиэктазии кожи лица

symptoms of telangiectasia

  • When scleroderma telangiectasia are spotted in the form of multiple foci spots, the diameter of which can reach almost sevenmillimeters.
  • In lupus (red) additionally there are lesions of the nail folds and hyperpigmentation;
  • In dermatomyositis, there are painful sensations in the fingertips and expansion vascular are most sharp;
  • Disease Randy the Osler pathology is manifested hemorrhagic form.


There are several different approaches to the classification of these pathologies.

The type of affected vascular telangiectasia can be:

  1. blood, if the arterioles dilate;
  2. venous if dilate venules;
  3. capillary, if to dilate the capillaries.

Form of telangiectasia can be divided into:

  1. the tree, which are usually dark blue, mainly appear on the legs and in their form resemble branching trees;
  2. stellate, which are usually red color, start at the same point and diverge from it to the sides, like the rays of the star;
  3. a linear (sinusoidal, they are simple), which can be blue, and red colors appear mainly on the cheeks, and the shape they are simple, in the form of a line, straight or curved;
  4. penoobraznaya, which can be bright red and often coexist with a variety of diseases of tissues.

Also isolated primary telangiectasias, which include:

  1. Ataxia. Appears at an early age, approximately five reddish spots start to appear on many body parts: the crook of the elbow, in the knee region, in the sky, conjunctiva of the eyes, on the nasal septum, and into ears and so on.
  2. Generalized essential. Starts with the feet, gradually extends upwards, capturing mainly the lower limbs.
  3. Hereditary. Feature of this pathology is that, although it actively manifests itself on the skin, on mucous membranes it is impossible to find.
  4. Hereditary hemorrhagic. This kind of problem occurs primarily on the nasal mucosa, mouth, on the tips of the feet and toes. If the problem progresses, it can become the affected bronchi, liver, digestive tract and even the brain.
  5. Nevidna. This disease manifests itself in the form of a vascular lesion in the cervical nerves.
  6. Telangiectatica marble skin. Right from the moment of birth, the skin appears red grid, which in mental and physical exertion increases and becomes pronounced.

There are secondary forms of telangiectasia, which are characteristic of various diseases and accompanythem.

These diseases include, among others:

  1. basal cell carcinoma;
  2. disorders of collagen and estrogen;
  3. reaction to the grafts;
  4. salt cerator.


Regardless of what reasons led to the manifestation of the problem, treatment is usually done in two key methods. The first of these is sclerotherapy. This treatment does not require surgery, just through a thin needle inserted a medicated solution called sclerosant.

He first damages the inner lining of the vascular walls, and then glues it, appears connective tissue strand that eventually dissipates - and the problem is effectively eliminated.

There are several different methods of implementation of sclerotherapy:

  • Microsclerotherapy. Typically this treatment is combined with cold wraps. It is intended for reticular veins is usually from two to five sessions of this procedure.
  • The postoperative. Used in the combined treatment, part of which is surgery.
  • With microfoam. A progressive method, in which the drug consists of special micro-foam nitrile coating, which is particularly effective.
  • Segmental varicose veins. As you can tell from the name, this treatment acts primarily on segmental vein. Is from two to three sessions of this procedure. It may occur local hyperpigmentation, but after a few sessions it entirely through.
  • Echo-guided sclerotherapy. Made using a duplex scanner, which has an impact on the communication of veins and effectively removes the gaps in these veins.

In General, sclerotherapy is effective, but carries only a cosmetic effect, as it acts not on reason but on direct effects of the disease. Sometimes used another treatment, which is in some situations even more effective is laser coagulation, which eliminates telangiectasia, usually on the face, but also for other areas of the skin also fits perfectly.

The treatment of telangiectasia of the skin Before and After

It is based on the principle of fractional thermolysis is performed using a laser beam. This beam penetrates the skin and acts selectively on the affected vascular. Wall in the affected blood vascular, which, glued together, andhealthy tissue is in no way affected.

Of course, there are other options for getting rid of telangiectasia - surgical, cryosurgical, and so forth, but most of them leave the skin in the future signs of tampering, and therefore resorted, respectively, to them only when other options are for some reason unavailable.

To choose which treatment would be most effectively for you, maybe doctor who will first establish the reasons and the kind of telangiectasia, and then appoint the procedure that fits well with your problem.

Remember that although telangiectasia is a cosmetic problem, it means that somewhere in the body there are "defects" that caused it. Because it is important to pay attention to them to try to eliminate not only the result.

Recommend that you read the disease rosacea, it shows the same symptoms.