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What to do if often bleeding from the nose


Sudden bleeding is always scary, or at least alarming for the reason that, ideally, the blood should be in vascular, not leave them to the surface. The same worry always causes and bleeding from the nose - the causes can lie in two different planes - the problems of a local nature and common diseases.

The types of nasal bleeding

Nose - olfactory organ richly innervated and equipped with a large number of vascular. Injured or weak blood vascular sometimes leak, which is characterized by varying degrees of intensity: in some cases, flows just a few drops, in others - develops moderate or severe (profuse) bleeding.

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Nosebleeds are distinguished by the following features:

  • Localization;
  • The frequency of occurrence;
  • Mechanism and type of the damaged vascular;
  • The volume of blood loss.

The data set obtained by the physician during the examination (inspection) of the patient, to determine the nature of bleeding, the causes, and to assess possible risks and to provide first aid. Be administered if necessary further treatment.

Localization of nasal bleeding

Most often bleeding occur from the area of Kisselbach - plexus of vascular in the anterior nasal septum. They're harmless and easily stopped, even by the layman - to do this, just need to know how to stop a nose bleed without the intervention of paramedics.

More often front nosebleeds stop on their own - especially if their value does not exceed a few drops.

Difficult and dangerous is the case with bleeding from the posterior nose blood volume is usually significant. The danger is that externally, the situation may look like a little blood loss, because the bulk of the blood does not flow out - it gets in the throat, so the person is forced to swallow it all.

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Swallowed blood can cause nausea and bloody vomiting: the vomit may have a red color (when the stomach is supplied with fresh blood) or brown (when the blood has clotted). Here without medical assistance is necessary.

The incidence of

Nosebleeds can be a rare, and recurrent. Rare bleeding, which quickly and spontaneously end, do not cause any concern - they are considered a nuisance, not more. It is really so: the burst while blowing your nose a small vessel is unlikely to seriously undermine health.

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Recurrent epistaxis is a definite reason to be wary and pass the examination to find out why your nose was bleeding. If bleeding from the nose often, it might be a symptom of a disease or transient state.


Distinguish spontaneous and traumatic mechanisms of nasal bleeding. Spontaneous bleeding occurs as if by itself, and traumatic - caused by damage to the nose blow or surgery (e.g., adenoidectomy).

Blood bleeds from damaged blood vascular - arteries, veins or capillaries. Slight bleeding occurs when damage the small blood vascular - capillaries, the most intense - when the damaged artery.

The volume of blood loss

The volume spilled from a nose the blood can be from a few milliliters to half a liter.

  • Minor blood loss is considered in several milliliters;
  • As a reasonable estimate blood loss if its volume does not exceed 200 ml;
  • About massive blood loss is referred to in cases where the total or instantaneous flows up to 300 ml of blood;
  • Profuse bleeding is characterized by a large volume of 500 ml and above.

Minor blood loss does not require the intervention of specialists, in all other cases you should immediately call a doctor or a brigade "first aid".

Serious causes of nasal bleeding

If you or someone who is nearby, was bleeding from the nose - causes should be determined quickly and accurately, as this will depend on further tactics of behavior.

It can be self-help or call the specialists and further testing and treatment.

Traumatic epistaxis is always clear, since the begin immediately after injury or stroke. Everything is clear and with postoperative bleeding, the blood can not do never.

But what if the injury was not, operations on the nose and the blood flows and flows and often without apparent, it would seem, of the reasons?

Causes of nosebleed may be associated with the following conditions:

  • Diseases of the blood vascular;
  • Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs;
  • Infections;
  • Tumors in the nasal cavity;
  • From vitamin deficiency.

In diseases of the blood vascular their walls wear out quickly, becoming brittle and permeable, so hypertensive crises are often accompanied by nasal bleeding.

Of weak capillaries whenever torn, and his nose starts to bleed when blowing the nose or sneezing.

Blood diseases (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura disease, hemophilia, chlorosis,leukemia, some types of anemia) also cause frequent and sometimes severe bleeding from the nose, to stop which can be difficult without medical intervention.

In hepatitis and cirrhosis occurs coagulopathy - a clotting disorder. One of the manifestations of these serious liver nosebleeds.

Viral and bacterial infections, which people so often get sick in the offseason, cause swelling of the nasal mucosa and irritation of the vascular, therefore, when blowing the nose and sneezing may stand out a little blood. Such minor bleeding go away when the sick recover.

Aggravation of any form of sinusitis can also cause a nosebleed, especially when you try to blow my nose.

Polyps, angiomas, papillomas and adenoids - benign growths in the nose, which often have breakthrough bleeding because of the tumor are supplied with blood vascular, are also prone to tearing when blowing nose, snoring or sneezing.

Beriberi caused by a deficiency of vitamins C and B3 affects blood clotting. If you experience nosebleeds, you should pay attention to how you eat.

Each of the above conditions can cause nosebleeds at any time of the day or even at night, so the morning of the spot of blood on the pillow has the same explanation, and daytime or evening bleeding.

When not to worry

Nosebleeds happen during pregnancy or other periods of restructuring of the body when significant shifts in hormonal balance. With the stabilization of hormonal levels of bleeding from the nose stops.

Going to the bath, long flights, climbing high into the mountains cause sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, so a small amount of bleeding is normal and not to worry.

First aid for nosebleed

You need to stop a nosebleed - how to do it properly so as not to worsen the condition?

Here are some of the mandatory measures:

  • To bring the man to tilt his head forward to drain the blood from the wings of the nose;
  • If the patient is lying, you need to flip it to one side that the flowing blood do not accidentally hit him in the nasopharynx;
  • Applying cold item to the nose (the ice, a piece of frozen meat, a plastic bottle with cold water - this will help to achieve a rapid narrowing of the blood vascular;
  • If these measures are insufficient, try to press the nostril to the nasal septum - in the damaged vessel forms a clot faster, which will closebreak;
  • Use swab dipped in drops for the nose. Well help naphazoline, sanorin. The tampon needs to be dense and to implement it in the nasal passage a little deeper.

It is important to know not only how to stop a nosebleed, must be able to assess the situation properly, for not wasting time on the manipulations that are unlikely to help relieve the bleeding with improvised means.

If the human condition is not improving within the next ten minutes, call a brigade "Fast".

The immediate challenge to health workers required in the case of excessive bleeding when the blood gushes forth, and the General condition of the patient is deteriorating rapidly - he's pale, complains of dizziness, weakness and blurred vision.

The bleeding from the nose don't worry if it poorly, stop quickly and it happens very rarely. In other cases, you certainly require medical consultation and possible treatment.

You might want to know: how to strengthen blood vascular.