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Nutrition after stroke brain


The right diet after a stroke the brain is a key moment important for recovery. The choice in favor of healthy food - a diet after a stroke helps the patient to monitor blood pressure and weight, reduces the risk of relapse, helps therapy of ischemic stroke and return to normal life.

Drinking regime is also necessary to abide by, and well-organized it will support the desired level of electrolyte balance that is important and extensive, and when microstroke.

The prevention of the negative effects and health recovery is possible with proper control of weight and blood pressure. Diet following stroke helps to plan meals to promote health, becoming the beginning of the path to recovery.

In different cases, modify the menu acts differently, the diet should be accompanied by a doctor's visit and taking the prescribed medicines, effective during recovery after ischemic stroke.

Product group

  • Grains. Should half of the grains to their menu to choose from the whole grain group.
  • Vegetables. It is preferable to consume dark green and orange foods, dishes of beans and peas.
  • Fruit. Daily use fresh, frozen or dried.
  • Dairy products. You should choose low-fat dairy products.
  • Protein. Best choice - lean meats, poultry, sometimes it is recommended to replace it with fish and legumes.
  • Fats. The main sources are nuts and fish, should avoid the use of margarine, fat, to minimize the portions of butter.

Tips for menu planning

Strategies to reduce the risk of recurrent stroke in the brain

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1. Every day to diversify the menu, as monotonous food cannot be the source of all the nutrients needed to restore health if extensive or minor stroke.

2. To eat foods of different colors, brightly colored fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins and minerals. A variety of colors - this should be the approach for selection of vegetables, fruits and legumes to your daily menu with recovery after ischemic stroke. Having at its disposal a wide color range of products, you can be confident in a wide range of nutrients.

3. Daily norm of consumption of fruits and vegetables are five servings. Studies show the benefits of this power. One serving of vegetables equal vegetable dishsalad or half plate of cooked vegetables or a glass of vegetable juice. Serving of fruit equals one fruit the size of a tennis ball, one banana, Cup of berries or sliced fruit, two tablespoons of dried fruit or one glass of natural fruit juice.

4. Paying attention to labels, you can get additional information about products in your menu: the legislation obliges the manufacturer to specify the nutritional value and composition of each product. Diet after a stroke - the power to reduce the risk of recurrent stroke, should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • nutritional value (caloric content);
  • the presence of fat;
  • the presence of saturated and TRANS fats;
  • is there cholesterol;
  • contains sodium (salt);
  • the fiber content of fiber.

The habit of carefully reading labels is a way of life healthy buyer after ischemic stroke, diabetes, and other diagnosis.

5. Limit consumption of saturated and TRANS fats will reduce cholesterol in the blood, which is important in the brain damage. The source of this fatty, waxy substance are animal products. A small amount of the body needs to maintain cellular health. But the excess of this substance increases the risk for strokes and heart disease. High cholesterol has two sources: part of it is produces by the body part is obtained from the consumed fatty foods.

A diet rich in saturated fats increases cholesterol, leads to cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis of brain vascular. A distinctive feature of saturated fats is maintaining solid form at room temperature: butter, lard.

They are contained in egg yolks, cheese, ice cream, present in these vegetable oils - coconut and palm kernel. The restriction of the use of these products leads to an improvement in diabetes mellitus, rehabilitation after a stroke.

Recommended products

To reduce the amount of saturated fat in the diet is recommended to make the following substitutions:

  • butter - easy diet margarine;
  • fat cheese cheese with low fat;
  • fat milk, cream milk with low fat content;
  • cream cheese - low fat cheese;
  • usual ice cream frozen low-fat yogurt or fruit juice;
  • cottage cheese 9% fat - cottage cheese 1% fat;
  • fatty sauces and dressings: - olive oil;
  • fatty beef - lean;
  • pork ribs - tenderloin;
  • chicken meat with skin chicken without the skin;
  • eggs - protein eggs.
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Eating TRANS fats also increases the risk of strokes, cardiovascular diseases, increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood. They are formed during processing of vegetable oil through hydrogenation process.

Products with these substances should be avoided: it's crackers, cookies, pastries. It is necessary to choose the products, on the package says that they are free from TRANS fats or contain natural vegetable oils.

Recommended replacement:

  • fried foods, baked or grilled;
  • crackers - crackers.

Limit cholesterol in foods is an important step in the prevention of brain stem stroke. It is achieved in this way:

  • cutting off visible fat from meat, skin from poultry;
  • reducing the amount of meat in the diet; one serving of meat should contain no more than 150 grams;
  • limiting the amount of butter;
  • elimination from the diet of fat;
  • choose low-fat dairy.

Salt cause hypertension

Reducing the amount of salt in the diet. Salt in the body contributes to fluid retention, which raises blood pressure, strain on the blood vascular of the brain. Not adding salt to already cooked food in the plate, it is possible to significantly reduce the level of consumption.

Instead of salt it is better to add herbs and spices, avoiding complex seasonings containing salt.

Do not include in menu canned food from the store prepared with salt. This applies to meat and fish semi-finished products, sauces, soups. Choosing frozen foods, check the label for sodium content, the main source of which is table salt.

Healthy eating, balanced lifestyle, balanced mode - the prevention of stroke and lifestyle in diabetes.

You can also about honor how is the rehabilitation after a stroke.