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What are the consequences and causes bleeding in the brain


Once upon a time (often a day) in humans is caused by a sudden and sharp deterioration of health: severe headache, dizziness, numbness of limbs, face. Surrounding the patient noted a violation or loss of consciousness. So there is a hemorrhage in the brain - the effects of this dangerous condition can be fatal for a human, forever making it invalid, or causing death.

The mechanism of the disease

The blood in the human body moves inside a closed system of vascular, each of which in norm is sufficiently elastic and capable of withstanding considerable loads. Gradually, however, the vascular become thinner, become brittle, permeable and can at any moment to burst, causing bleeding.

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The main artery of the human brain

The same happens with the blood vascular of the brain that feed oxygen to this vital organ. High blood pressure at some point closes the vessel, causing a certain amount of blood flows out, filling the space between the tissues of the brain. The resulting hematoma compresses surrounding tissue, thus blocking their food, which leads to swelling of the brain, gross motor, visual and speech disorders.

Since the rupture of blood vascular can occur in any part of the brain, hemorrhagic strokes are usually classified according to site of hemorrhage.

They are:

  • Intracerebral;
  • Subarachnoid (occurring under the arachnoid sheath of the brain);
  • Subdural (which occurred under the outer shell of the brain);
  • Intraventricular.

Localization of bleeding and its intensity depends on the symptoms of the disease, as well as the consequences and prospects of its further development.

Causes of bleeding into the brain

Developed hemorrhagic stroke (also called intracerebral hemorrhage) is a direct consequence of a number of conditions and diseases in which the load on the tissue blood vascular greatly exceeds their margin of safety.

These include:

  • Long-term untreated or poorly controlled arterial hypertension of different origin;
  • Head injury;
  • A brain tumor is when there is a hemorrhage inside the tumors;
  • Aneurysm of the brain vascular (including congenital);
  • Diseases causing increased bleeding (hemophilia, liver cirrhosis);
  • Artificial thinning of the blood caused by the involuntary taking anticoagulants (drugs to reduce clotting), especially if they exceed the dose of medication or when its intake is combined with alcohol;
  • Excessive exercise and heavy stress.

We can not say about bad habits - Smoking, drug and alcohol issues. They worsen the condition of blood vascular, which ultimately makes a brain hemorrhage one of the most likely outcomes.

Symptoms of a stroke

Symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke are manifested so vividly that even people who do not have medical education, can properly evaluate the severity and urgency of the patient's condition.

Typical symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage include:

  • Severe headache;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Sudden dizziness and weakness;
  • The vision of the surrounding people and environment in red light;
  • Numbness of the face, limbs or half the body;
  • Strong tension (rigidity) of the neck muscles.

This is something that relates to the feelings of patients themselves. Surrounding can verify that the person had a stroke, according to a number of external signs:

  • Bluish or livid face;
  • Advanced from the affected side of the pupil (as a variant of the divergence of the eye);
  • "Pausada" with the affected side cheek;
  • Paralysis of the limbs (the man can't raise his hands, and the foot turned inside out);
  • Seizures, convulsions;
  • Curved or turned in the direction of the language;
  • Involuntary leakage of urine, feces.

In a state of hemorrhagic stroke person can not utter the simplest phrase, smile, often do not understand the speech addressed to him.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke

The most difficult symptom of brain hemorrhage coma. Terms of time to judge the prognosis of the patient: the longer a person is unconscious, the worse the consequences and prospects.

What to do with patients

Hemorrhagic stroke - a severe condition, so it requires urgent medical care. These are the first mandatory steps:

  • Call the team "ambulance";
  • To put the patient to provide him with air flow and comfortable position of the body;
  • With vomiting turn the head to the side to avoid the ingestion of vomit;
  • Put on a head a bottle with ice or another cold object;
  • To measure blood pressure;
  • As soon as possible to begin treatment of bleeding in the brain - the consequences in this case can be considerably easier.

Others have no more than three hours to ensure medical intervention: at the end of this period in the brain begin irreversible changes.

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The consequences of a brain hemorrhage

The incident hemorrhagic stroke heavy not only their current, but also the consequences. It is believed that the first month and first year after the start of hemorrhage of the brain play a crucial role in the life of the patient, as well as allow you to properly assess the prospects of rehabilitation.

In the first weeks of dying from 40 to 60 percent of patients. The survivors observed persistent impairment of speech, vision, motor function. Frequent mental disorder.

Very long does the numbness of the facial muscles, extremities of the paralyzed side or half of the body. If you cannot quickly minimize all these violations, it is already a year later and too late to rehabilitate the patient impossible changes in the body become irreversible.

Hemorrhagic stroke - this is a serious illness requiring immediate treatment: only under condition of timely and adequate therapy could significantly rehabilitate the survivors in the first month patients.

We also recommend you to read about what are the first signs of a stroke.